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18. desember 2017

The Tinius Trust on diversity and equal opportunities

This autumn we have witnessed a debate on the need for diversity within management teams in the media business and […]

This autumn we have witnessed a debate on the need for diversity within management teams in the media business and within Schibsted. On the basis of this debate, the board of the Tinius Trust has agreed on the following statement.

The Tinius Trust is committed, according to its Articles of Association, to promote that; “Schibsted is to strive for quality and credibility in all its publications, and defend values such as religious freedom, tolerance, human rights and democratic principles”.

Therefore, the Trust expects that Schibsted will set clear, measurable goals and implement transparent processes to ensure equal opportunities and diversity at all levels of its organization.

In the coming years, we will keep a watchful eye on the progress in this area, as we firmly believe that equality and diversity – regardless of gender, age or background – are essential to recurring profitability of any employer.

Statement in Norwegian:

Stiftelsen Tinius er forpliktet, i henhold til selskapets vedtekter, å arbeide for at: «Schibsteds utgivelser skal tilstrebe kvalitet og troverdighet. De skal forsvare verdier som religionsfrihet, toleranse, menneskerettigheter og demokratiske prinsipper». Derfor forventer stiftelsen at Schibsted setter seg tydelige, målbare mål og gjennomfører åpne prosesser for å sikre likestilling og mangfold på alle nivåer i organisasjonen.

I de kommende årene vil vi holde et vaktsomt øye med fremdriften på dette området, fordi vi er overbevist om at likestilling og mangfold – uavhengig av kjønn, alder eller bakgrunn – er avgjørende for å sikre lønnsomhet for enhver arbeidsgiver.

Flere nyheter

From left: CEO of the Norwegian Media Businesses’ Association, Randi Øgrey; Secretary General of the Norwegian Press Association, Elin Floberghagen; Secretary General Reidun Kjelling Nybø of the Norwegian Editors’ Association; and leader of the Norwegian Union of Journalists, Dag Idar Tryggestad. Photo: Christine TolpinrudFrom left: CEO of the Norwegian Media Businesses’ Association, Randi Øgrey; Secretary General of the Norwegian Press Association, Elin Floberghagen; Secretary General Reidun Kjelling Nybø of the Norwegian Editors’ Association; and leader of the Norwegian Union of Journalists, Dag Idar Tryggestad. Photo: Christine Tolpinrud

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In the fight to protect society, we are on the verge of relinquishing fundamental democratic values.

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Pictured: Left: Ole Jacob Sunde, and Trond Berger representing the Tinius Trust and Blommenholm Industrier. Right: Rune Bjerke and Kristin Skogen Lund representing Schibsted. Photo: Kilian MunchPictured: Left: Ole Jacob Sunde, and Trond Berger representing the Tinius Trust and Blommenholm Industrier. Right: Rune Bjerke and Kristin Skogen Lund representing Schibsted. Photo: Kilian Munch

22. mars 2024

Schibsted and Tinius Trust sign final agreement on sale of news media operations

Schibsted ASA (“Schibsted”) today announced that it has signed a final agreement (the “Agreement”) regarding the sale of its news media operations to the Tinius Trust through Blommenholm Industrier AS (collectively the “Trust”). The Agreement is a key milestone in the transformation of today’s Schibsted into two more focused companies: a media company fully owned by the Trust and a publicly listed marketplaces company.

Jaan Ivar Semlitsch has been appointed as a new board member at the Tinius Trust.Jaan Ivar Semlitsch has been appointed as a new board member at the Tinius Trust.

4. januar 2024

New Board Member at the Tinius Trust

Jaan Ivar Semlitsch has been appointed as a new board member at the Tinius Trust: "A very meaningful and motivating task."

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