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2. april 2020

Ads alongside coronavirus-related content does not affect brands negatively

A new panel study among 2.747 Swedish news readers shows that brand suitability is not affected by the coronavirus pandemic. […]

A new panel study among 2.747 Swedish news readers shows that brand suitability is not affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

Only eight percent believe that their perception of a brand is negatively affected if their advert is shown alongside coronavirus-related content.

The results took insight specialist Ioanna Pyrzas at Schibsted Marketing Services by surprise.

– Some of our customers are worried about being associated with the media reporting on the coronavirus. But the survey really shows that there is no justification for concern, says Pyrzas.

The panel study was conducted through Schibsteds’ own reader panel between March 20th and 23rd.

More insights

According to the Head of Trade and Marketing at Schibsted Marketing Services, Estelle Douglas, the primary purpose of the study was to get more insights into how consumers perceive advertising during the pandemic.

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– For several years, Schibsted has worked with more extensive insight-based studies to help advertisers get the most out of their media investment. And right now, we see it as extra essential to guide advertisers on how to think to get the desired effect you are looking for with their marketing, says Douglas.

Request positive messages

  • 43 percent of the respondents want information about companies and brands they are interested in.
  • Readers request ads that help them stay healthy (45%), help them with their personal finance (31%), and offer an immediate difference for the readers (28%).
  • And in the free text field in the survey, a large proportion of respondents state that they want positive messages, easy and regular ads, and entertainment tips until the Corona crisis is over.

– This is a gratifying message to our advertisers. Now is the time to build your brand in the long term, says Pyrzas.

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Flere nyheter

Fra venstre: Administrerende direktør i Mediebedriftenes Landsforening, Randi Øgrey, generalsekretær i Norsk Presseforbund, Elin Floberghagen, generalsekretær Reidun Kjelling Nybø i Norsk Redaktørforening og leder i Norsk Journalistlag, Dag Idar Tryggestad. Foto: Christine TolpinrudFra venstre: Administrerende direktør i Mediebedriftenes Landsforening, Randi Øgrey, generalsekretær i Norsk Presseforbund, Elin Floberghagen, generalsekretær Reidun Kjelling Nybø i Norsk Redaktørforening og leder i Norsk Journalistlag, Dag Idar Tryggestad. Foto: Christine Tolpinrud

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