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16. september 2019

Schibsted’s majority owner appoints Trond Berger

Trond Berger, formerly Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Schibsted ASA, is appointed to a new role as […]

Trond Berger, formerly Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Schibsted ASA, is appointed to a new role as Head of Investment at Blommenholm Industrier AS.

Berger’s appointment becomes effective on October 1, 2019.

– I look forward to managing the long-term ownership and values in Schibsted through Blommenholm Industrier, Schibsted’s largest shareholder, says Trond Berger.

As Blommenholm Industrier’s new Head of Investment, Berger will be responsible for managing the ownership in Schibsted, Adevinta and the company’s financial investments. Berger will handle Blommenholm Industrier’s relations with Schibsted’s other shareholders, and other Nordic and global stakeholders within the media business at large.

– Trond Berger has through many years been a key figure behind the success of the media group Schibsted. When Schibsted announced that Berger was stepping down, we offered him the opportunity to continue the good work from an owner’s perspective. Luckily, he accepted the offer. Trond Berger has a deep knowledge of Schibsted, as well as a unique insight to the challenges and opportunities of the media business which will be of great value to us, says Kjersti Løken Stavrum, CEO of Blommenholm Industrier and the Tinius Trust.

For a limited period, Berger will be involved part-time in advisory work for Schibsted in designated group projects. Berger has served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Schibsted ASA since 1999.

– Trond Berger has been a key force in Schibsted and I am very pleased that he will continue to be involved in Schibsted’s development through Blommenholm Industrier, says Kristin Skogen Lund, CEO of Schibsted.

Blommenholm Industrier AS is the largest shareholder in Schibsted ASA, holding more than 25 per cent of the shares. The company also owns more than 7 per cent of the shares in Adevinta ASA. Blommenholm Industrier AS is controlled by the Tinius Trust, who owns the voting shares in BI.

Download the news release in Norwegian here.

Download the news release in English here.

If you have any questions, kindly contact

Head of Communications of the Tinius Trust,

Hansine Korslien:


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